Saturday, July 26, 2008

Why Am I Running For Office?????

I am running for the United States Senate because right now of all the laws passed in Washington DC last year. Only one in 100,000 was passed by Congress if that many.

All the other laws disguised as rules, regulations, codes, guidelines and standards were written by non elected bureaucrats. Writing for agencies attached to the executive branch of government.

To put it to you bluntly.

The Executive branch of government is making 999,000 laws for every one legitimately passed by Congress.

If you don’t believe this. Every time you see a business, businessman or individual being fined or prosecuted for violating an EPA – OSHA – FDA – FCC etc. etc. etc. rule or regulation.

You begin to realize that these rules, regulations, codes, guidelines and standards are made by bureaucrats in the executive branch of government.
Not Congress.

Go to any law school library and ask the librarian to show you the EPA, FCC, OSHA regulations. The volumes will cover an entire wall. With the hundreds and thousands of sections and subsections – sub-sub-sections etc.

All of which are laws. None of which were passed by the Congress!

All of these agencies are part of the executive branch of government.

James Madison’s writings ought to be evident too everybody.

“The accumulation of all power legislative, judicial, executive in the same hands. Whether of one a few or many. Where self appointed heredity or elected.
May justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

(FYI: Tyranny which is the arbitrary use of government power is the opposite of liberty. Just as freedom is the opposite of slavery)

We are every day loosing more and more of our liberty to an ever increasing more and more powerful Federal bureaucracy.

I am running for the United States Senate to put a stop to this.

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