Monday, June 30, 2008

Who Gonna Be The President??????????

To answer the question of whom am I supporting for the President let me make the following clear.

Look up, look up, who gonna be the president????????

Are you looking up????????

Will it be Carter or Reagan?

Will it be Reagan or Mondale?

Will it be Bush or Dukakis??????

Will it be Bush or Clinton????????

Will it be Clinton or Dole?????????

Will it be Bush or Gore???????????

Will it be Bush or Kerry????????????

(I don't even want to think about this one).

While you are looking up START LOOKING DOWN.

The little roaches by your feet are the Collectivists, Communists, Fascists, Nazi's and Socialists that are going into the House of Representatives.

These people are committed to the growth of the government.

The House spends the money.

Get it!

Where do you live?

Who is your Member of the House of Representatives?

If it isn't Ron Paul then that individual needs to be kicked out.

You would make a good (NO GREAT) Congressman.

Tell the people that you will look at these bills.

Study these bills but if they increase the Size, Cost, Reach and Power of the government you will VOTE NO for those reasons.

All the best.

Please spread the web site.

The Big Lie


An answer to the rising price of energy.

The price of gasoline is not going up.

The value of the currency is going down.

In Germany in the 1920’s the German’s were complaining about the price of everything going up. And by the time they realized that prices were not going up. The value of the Mark was going down. It had already reached the point where the value of the currency was falling so rapidly people were getting paid twice a day. The noonday pay had to be spent immediately because it would be near worthless by the time they got their evening pay. Which had to be spent quickly because it would be worthless by the time the noonday pay would come the next day? Which had to be spent etc. etc. etc?

The Jew’s were blamed for this situation and were attacked.

This is what our government is doing. Inflating the currency, causing its value to drop rapidly and simultaneously running a “Hate the Arab’s campaign” as was done in Germany with the Jew’s.

This set the stage for the rise of Hitler.

We can expect opportunistic politicians to point their finger at Arabs, big business, entrepreneurs, speculators etc. etc. And demand government control’s of such entities to rescue the American’s from a situation which our own government’s policies has created.

If you smell a dictatorship coming. You are right!

Planned Parenthood & Non-Governmental Organizations


RE. Planned Parenthood and its activities.

The organization called Planned Parenthood is funded and functions as a department of the United States government designed to increase the size, cost, reach and power of government in areas which Planned Parenthood covers.

Obviously the way to stop Planned Parenthood and all other NGO’s (advocacy groups financed by the United States government for the primary purpose of expanding the size, cost, reach and power of government in areas covered by an alphabet soup slew of organizations) – is to have the House of Representatives cut off the money.

Not only will the activities of Planned Parenthood dry up but the activities advocating gun control, land control, environmental control, foreign aid, etc, etc, etc. All things destructive of the United States and the United States Constitution. Will also vanish from the landscape. Never to be resurrected and rot in the rubbish heap of history.

Another Look At "Heller"


Significance of the “Heller” ruling.

The purpose of the “Heller vs. DC” ruling is this. To establish the supremacy of the Supreme Court on all things Constitutional.

Essentially this ruling makes the words in the Constitution meaningless.

The only thing that counts is what the Supreme Court says it says.

Consider this:

Article One: “All power belongs to the Supreme X”

Article Two:

Article Three:

Article Four:

Article Five:

If you want to know what these articles say you must have the people in article one tell you. Which means what is written is meaningless? Except for the meaning given to it by the Supreme X. Even when the Supreme X is saying the opposite of what is written.

Haven’t you noticed that not a peep has been heard from the ACLU?

This ruling has been called a “Landmark” decision. What is a “Landmark?”

This is a decision that destroys a section of the Constitution.

A “Landmark” is a message to the liberals to shut up.

This decision establishes the authority of the Supreme Court to say what anything in the constitution means independent of and contrary to written word and common understanding.

That is why it’s called a Landmark decision. And in no way is that decision a victory for anybody except the communists, fascists, and socialists pretending to a world wide throne.

Please read the Soviet Constitution.

“All the central and local power belongs to these Soviets”

A “Soviet” is a committee.

That committee governs’ a particular section of life. If all power belongs to the Soviet then what ever comes after that means nothing.

Take for example the “Frankfurter Doctrine.”

It basically says that the Constitution of the United States of America is whatever the Supreme Court says it says. Take another look at the Soviet Constitution.

The solution for this and all our problems is to elect ordinary people to the House of Representatives who will VOTE NO on any bill that expands the size, cost, extends the reach or increases the power of the government!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Court Strikes Down Millionaire's Amendment

What we need is to get rid of The Federal Election Commission.
The F.E.C. is designed to make it difficult for an average person to run for office.
Their rules, regulations, guidelines and standards make it IMPOSSIBLE for a individual who is not connected to "The Party" to comply.

If elected I will write the legislation to abolish the Federal Election Commission forthwith.

Original article

The Second Amendment

The Purpose Of The Second Amendment


Why was the Second Amendment put into the Constitution?


So that we could protect ourselves from the government!

Other measures to protect US from the government were:

1) The fedgov could have no army in peacetime.

2) Fedgov could not quarter troops in our houses

3) Fedgov could send troops into a state only with the consent of the state government or during an insurrection.


Without an army how could the federal government defend the country against invasion and war?


By calling out the militia: Each state had an organized militia under the control of the state government (the officers were trained by the federal government).


What was to prevent the state government from using the militia against its own citizens?


To regulate that is to control the militia the Founder's said "Arm the entire population"

THAT is the Second Amendment.

In the “Federalist Papers” the founders asserted that the combined militias of the states would be stronger than any force the Federal Government could raise, and by the same reasoning an armed population would be stronger than any militia a State Government could use against its citizens.

The Second Amendment has nothing whatsoever to do with hunting, sportsmanship or target shooting:

The claim that it does has been made by people who want to exclude the ordinary citizens.

(Who are not hunters, sportsmen or target shooters) from the debate.

This allows those promoters to agree to a series of compromises which over time will disarm the people and leave US at the mercy of the government.

If you are a gun owner in America.

Vote for Leonard “ Lenny” Ladner for United States Senate.

Please visit me on the web at

I would appreciate it if you could duplicate this message.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"The Ladner Report"

To all Liberty Loving Americans:

I am not connected to or related to a Joyce Ladner who has a blog called "The Ladner Report."

Period end of statement.

Lenny Ladner



Lenny Ladner


Gilman, IL

Not only am I not raising any money for this race, I am not spending any money.

If elected I will VOTE NO on any bill that increases the Size, Cost, increases the Reach and expands the Power of the government.
We have TOO much government now!!!!!!!!!!!1

I will also sponsor a bill that would Abolish the Federal Elections Commission forthwith. This bureaucracy is designed to keep the average person from running for political office.

Yours in liberty.

Lenny Ladner


I welcome any communication and comments.

Original Article

Comments to "Padgett racks up endorsements"

Is it better to be endorsed or to endorse?????

Is it better to be endorsed by 22 individual politicians who support and profit by an increase in the size, cost, reach and power of the government.
Or is it better to endorse an idea whose time has come. That is stopping the growth of government and rolling it back in the reverse fashion it was expanded.

I will vote NO on any increase in the size, cost, reach or power of the government.

Lenny Ladner

Original Article

Comments to Mike (who never uses his first name) Padgett

First of all why does "Mike" Padgett refuse to use his real first name??? What is he trying to hide??

I have always used my first name. I'm not going to hide anything.

More of the same

I ask you Mr. Padgett. What is your solution to our problems?

Is it an expansion of the size, cost, reach and power of the government?
Why do you endorse more government Mr. Padgett.

The problem is that we have too much government.
Too much of our production is going to pay for more employees to meddle deeper and deeper into our lives. Too much of our money is going to support an ever increasing police state that is reaching into the lives of honest citizens.

If elected I will vote NO on any bill that expands, the size, cost, reach and power of the government.

Lenny Ladner

Original post

My Comments on Rob Russell

Comments about Rob Russell. Another con-man who wants to give US more and more, bigger and bigger government.

Lenny's picture

Lenny Ladner

What are you going to do to restore LIBERTY??????????

Your solutions to these problems are nothing more than an increase in the size, cost, reach and power of the government.

We have too much government now.

Lenny Ladner

Original article

Response to Bob Tuke's Steering Committee

Women for more and bigger government!


I guess Mr. Tuke's steering committee has women who believe that only bigger and bigger and much bigger government can solve our problems.

We need to make a decision. Either we have more government and less liberty or less government and MORE Liberty.

Please take the time to go to my website, Link....
Go to the links page and watch a video called "More Government or Less Government.

Yours in liberty.

Lenny Ladner

Original article

Friday, June 20, 2008

Are You A Leader???

Are you a leader?????

There’s one sure way to find out.

One: Go to a public meting where the officials are discussing the solution to some problem. Any Problem.

Two: When it’s time for questions and answers ask the following question and make the following comment.

“Sir if this program is implemented will it increase the size, cost, reach and power of the government?

We have too much government now!!!”

When the meeting adjourns listen to the crowd of people who surround you.
They are ready to talk.

Go to my website,
And find out what to do next.