Monday, June 30, 2008

The Big Lie


An answer to the rising price of energy.

The price of gasoline is not going up.

The value of the currency is going down.

In Germany in the 1920’s the German’s were complaining about the price of everything going up. And by the time they realized that prices were not going up. The value of the Mark was going down. It had already reached the point where the value of the currency was falling so rapidly people were getting paid twice a day. The noonday pay had to be spent immediately because it would be near worthless by the time they got their evening pay. Which had to be spent quickly because it would be worthless by the time the noonday pay would come the next day? Which had to be spent etc. etc. etc?

The Jew’s were blamed for this situation and were attacked.

This is what our government is doing. Inflating the currency, causing its value to drop rapidly and simultaneously running a “Hate the Arab’s campaign” as was done in Germany with the Jew’s.

This set the stage for the rise of Hitler.

We can expect opportunistic politicians to point their finger at Arabs, big business, entrepreneurs, speculators etc. etc. And demand government control’s of such entities to rescue the American’s from a situation which our own government’s policies has created.

If you smell a dictatorship coming. You are right!

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